Stories for Stream2Sea

Picture of Advancing National Strategy Action Stream #5
Advancing National Strategy Action Stream #5

What is Stories for Stream2Sea?

Over the course of 2022, Canadians from coast to coast to coast shared stories of their connection with the ocean and how this connection may be changing. Stories captured significant places, changes and observations, as well as solutions and action.


Twenty three submitted stories were woven into an interactive online StoryMap for contributors and the public at large to explore and interact with the changes shared and the solutions offered. 


The Stories for Stream2Sea Project was the result of collaboration: From the Canadian public who identified the project as a priority; to initial design and proposals; funding from partners and public contributors; methodological design and development of storytelling tools; content reviewers and editors; storytellers who have shared their ocean relationships; and of course, the ocean for its inspiration and significance. Together, we continue to co-create shared understandings of ocean connections and changing relationships, to help inform ocean science priorities and directions in Canada, and contribute Canadian voices to the UN Ocean Decade.


To view the full project report, please click here

Stories for Stream2Sea was also included as part of IUCN #Nature For All Storytelling Festival.


Research lead: Dr Jen McRuer

Co-Researcher: Dr Diz Glithero

Research Assistants: Martha Paiz