Our work

Canada's Ocean Literacy Strategy​


Land, Water, Ocean, Us: A Canadian Ocean Literacy Strategy was launched on March 16th, 2021. The National Strategy was co-developed by Canadians, for Canadians, through an evidence-based and community-driven engagement process in which over 400 organizations and more than 3,000 Canadians participated.


The National Strategy outlines 9 Action Streams that provide a common framework for action over the course of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). The Ocean Decade serves as an important opportunity for all of us to work together to help ensure a healthy, equitable, and sustainable relationship with the global ocean and Canada’s waterways for present and future generations.

Read the Strategy Publications​

Click titles below to access the three different publications in English, French, and Inuktitut.

Discover the 9 Action Streams​

Interact with the Strategy Framework by hovering over different parts of the graphic.

Action Streams

1. Develop the digital Canadian Ocean Literacy Map & Community Platform

2. Establish the Canadian Ocean Literacy Community Microgrant Program

3. Strengthen Ocean Education

4. Grow Ocean Week Canada

5. Enhance Ocean Knowledge Sharing Through media Communications, Storytelling & the Arts

6. Amplify and Advance Youth Engagement in Ocean Conservation & Sustainable Blue Economy Opportunities

7. Evaluate and Improve the Current State of Access & Diversity Within Canada’s Blue Spaces & Ocean-related Sectors

8. Improve Government Integration of Water-ocean-climate Literacy in Policy & Public Engagement

9. Build Ocean & Human Health Connections

10. Contribute to Ocean Literacy Leadership & Advocacy (NEW as of 2022)

Get Involved in the Strategy

Several multi-partner, national joint action projects have been established to directly address one of the Action Streams as identified in the National Strategy. More projects will be co-developed over the months ahead and throughout the Ocean Decade. To support these ‘Key Initiatives’, COLC secures multi-partner funding in which over 70% of the funds flow out to partner organizations. 


Important ocean literacy work is also taking place in communities, organizations, and regions across Canada through a variety of diverse initiatives. It is essential to celebrate and support these existing efforts to ensure ocean literacy is advanced in meaningful, place-based ways. There is no-one-size-fits all approach. To support these community-led initiatives, COLC launched the Ocean Literacy Community Grants Program in early 2023, providing more accessible and streamlined funding opportunities for community-driven ocean literacy initiatives that are regionally, culturally, and linguistically relevant. 

Measuring Impact

National Strategy Impact Framework

The Strategy promotes 9 specific Action Streams. The collective impact of these Action Streams is intended to achieve the three overarching Strategy goals. Measuring outputs and impact of these Action Streams should provide leading indicators of progress towards the Strategy’s three goals. 

Annual Impact reports collectively provide a snapshot of the state of Ocean Literacy in Canada and help to reveal trends and progress throughout the UN Ocean Decade, and beyond. 

Read COLC's recent impact reports:​