Event Details

  • Date

    February 26

  • Location


  • Time

    4:15 p.m. PST / 7:15 p.m. EST

  • Audience type

    teachers, educators, homeschoolers

  • Language


Gamify Climate Action To Improve Student Efficacy

This session introduces educators to an innovative approach for integrating ocean literacy with sustainability in grades 3-12. Using the interactive “League for Green Leaders” game-based learning program, educators will discover how to engage students in understanding critical environmental challenges while improving student efficacy. 

Participants will explore practical strategies for incorporating this program into their curriculum, enhancing students’ problem-solving, critical thinking, and ocean literacy in a fun and meaningful way. The session will feature hands-on activities and discussions, providing attendees with actionable insights and a clear implementation plan.


About Jane Ji (She/Her)



Jane Ji is a co-founder of Springbay Studio, an award-winning, game-based learning technology leader on climate education. As a concerned mother, she believes that environmental education can be more empowering, playful, and action-based through the proper use of technology.




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