National Strategy Impact
Measurement Program

What is the National Strategy Impact Measurement Program?

In Fall 2021, COLC was awarded funding from Fisheries and Oceans Canada to advance work under the National Strategy. These efforts, in turn, would also serve to support Canada’s contribution to the UN Ocean Decade. This funding included a mandate to develop and launch an impact measurement program. 


In 2022, COLC retained Entremission, a Montréal-based social enterprise that works with social impact organizations, to develop an impact measurement framework for the National Strategy and the projects implemented under it.

National Strategy Impact Framework

The Strategy promotes 9 specific Action Streams. The collective impact of these Action Streams is intended to achieve the three overarching Strategy goals. Measuring outputs and impact of these Action Streams should provide leading indicators of progress towards the Strategy’s three goals.


Annual Impact reports collectively provide a snapshot of the state of Ocean Literacy in Canada and help to reveal trends and progress throughout the UN Ocean Decade, and beyond. Read more about the National Strategy and published impact reports here.