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Ocean Literacy Dialogues


The Ocean Literacy Dialogues series is a global collaboration led by the Ocean Literacy With All community – a UN Ocean Decade-endorsed program coordinated by IOC-UNESCO. The aim of the Ocean Literacy Dialogues series is to co-organize public events that enable knowledge exchange across different geographical and socio-cultural contexts, and that catalyze action as we work together to achieve the overarching goal of the UN Ocean Decade (2021-2030): to ‘change humanity’s relationship with the ocean.’ This is the essence of ocean literacy.

Ocean Literacy Dialogue series:


The Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5) provided an ideal opportunity for the third edition of the Ocean Literacy Dialogues series. As the global community came together to inform, inspire, and act on ocean conservation, every sector of society – from individuals to institutions, schools to businesses, communities to governments, academia to media – has a role to play in ensuring a healthy ocean for current and future generations.

By bridging IMPAC5 conversations and actions with in-person (in Vancouver) and virtual public outreach and engagement, we were able to galvanize broader understanding and support for ocean conservation.