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Ocean & Society Survey

Welcome to the Ocean & Society Survey (OSS: Canada) – the second national survey of the Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition (COLC). Building on the previous “Canadian Ocean Literacy Survey” (2019-2020), we are excited to once again invite the people of Canada (YOU!) to share insight on how we perceive, value, and interact with the ocean and its waterways.


Your participation will help us to better understand patterns and changes in public attitudes and behaviours over time.  With contributions across provinces and territories, across cultures and experiences, we aim to learn what we, as a society, are getting right in terms of ocean health and community well-being, and what we need to do better. 


This co-designed survey instrument is part of a larger global research initiative, coordinated by COLC, in which an anticipated 30+ countries will be administering the survey over the next 12 months, in the lead up to the next UN Ocean Conference in Nice, France in June 2025.  


Through collaboration and efforts to align the ocean literacy, strategic ocean communications, and marine social science communities, this survey enables the start of a global baseline across countries and regions which will help to:

  • inform directions for impact messaging
  • strengthen the science-policy-society interface
  • enhance our collective capacity to act in ocean-positive ways

Click here to learn more.

We thank you in advance for your time in sharing your ocean connections. Your opinion matters.