All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance

Picture of Advancing COLC's research work globally
Advancing COLC's research work globally

What is the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance?

The All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance (AAORIA) is the result of science diplomacy efforts involving countries from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. It builds upon the success of two existing cooperative agreements – the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation which was signed by the European Union, United States, and Canada in 2013; and the Belem Statement on Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Cooperation which was signed by the European Union, Brazil, and South Africa in 2017 as well as on a number of other bilateral and multilateral agreements. AAORIA aims to enhance marine research and innovation cooperation along and across the Atlantic Ocean. 

The All-Atlantic Ocean multi-stakeholder platform is made up of experts from northern and southern Atlantic countries, including academia, industry, funding agencies and NGOs, and is divided into 5 sub-multi-stakeholder platforms. These include:

  • Capacity Development
  • Knowledge Transfer for Ocean Innovation and Economy
  • Common Standards for Data and Information Sharing
  • Ocean Citizen Awareness and Literacy and Convergence
  • Alignment of Research and Innovation infrastructure initiatives

COLC’s National Lead, Diz Glithero, serves on the Ocean Citizen Awareness and Literacy Convergence expert working group.  This group leads the All-Atlantic Blue Schools Network joint action.