Leadership & Advocacy

Education & Engagement

The Canadian Ocean Literacy Strategy 2.0

Canadian Ocean Literacy Strategy 2.0 What is the National Strategy 2.0? In March 2021, COLC published Land, Water, Ocean, Us: The Canadian Ocean Literacy Strategy,

Leadership & Advocacy

Vision 2030 & the Challenge 10 Whitepaper

Vision 2030 & the Challenge 10 Whitepaper The UN Ocean Decade The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, often referred to as

Leadership & Advocacy

National & International Presentations

COLC lead staff are regularly invited to present at national and international conferences, forums, and events to highlight the ocean literacy work being done in Canada and to help advocate for the relevance and advancement of ocean literacy globally.

Leadership & Advocacy

All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance

The All-Atlantic Ocean multi-stakeholder platform is made up of experts from northern and southern Atlantic countries, including academia, industry, funding agencies and NGOs, and is divided into 5 sub-multi-stakeholder platforms.

Leadership & Advocacy

Ocean Literacy With All

Ocean Literacy With All is a Decade endorsed program led by IOC-UNESCO, together with a global team of partners, including COLC.